Sunday, December 30, 2012

30 December 2012 ~ A Month of Reflection

As you reflect back on the happenings of 2012, what were your high points and what were your low points? What do you notice as you look back on the year as a whole? [Author: Carolyn Rubenstein]

This is a Very Big Question. Normally, I would find reasons to push it aside and while NOT really procrastinating on it, save it to write in a hurry and just get it done to call it done.

That is a High Point for me. Noticing the ways I get in my own way and keep myself small and in the shadows.

There have been many of those High Point Realisations & Insights in 2012. And to list them would only mean having to explain my language for certain things.

Suffice it to say I have seen “the enemy” and SHE BE ME!!! [and truthfully, she is NOT an enemy at all, she is an encouraging and gentle friend]

I suppose that is the highest of my High Points, learning to see myself inside, BEhind, and woven through each and every thing that works or flops.

Of course, in an entirely different respect, a definite High Point that just keeps going higher was/is selling GraceLand. I never EVER could have grasped what NOT having 4 wheels to get me here and there would open me up to experiencing.


Low points were scattered in amongst the year as well.

Coming to terms with my real relationship with:







Of course what was really amazing was/is fully realising and embracing Enough.

How wanting keeps me from enJOYing the Enoughness.

How regret keeps me from deLIGHTing in the Enoughness.

How comparing keeps me from the possibility of Love.

How one thing can BE so NOT itself when viewed through eyes that are awake and no longer shut against the Truth. [or truth, it isn’t always a capital T thing ;~D]

Overall, 2012 was/is a blessing.

An opening.

A glimpse.

And an encouragement.

1 comment:

Rita said...

Was a good year. Met a lot of people online. Learned about zentangles/zendalas and mixed media. Dagan and Leah had a house built and moved in. I worked a lot on forgiveness. I am actually consistently on days for the first time in my life! Been a good year. Sounds like it was good for you, too, Currie! :)