I woke up this morning with the song running full blast in my head. I laughed right then and there, telling myself this would BE a fun Artist's Play Room and TODAY was the day I'd get it up and running...
Funny thing, the 2 little grrrls up in the front house had brought me a super secret special envelope last week with cut-out models and faces from some shee-shee magazine. I was deLIGHTed with the bounty and wondered whatever might I use them for.
Until this morning.
And then what happened, you ask...
I had a different idea altogether.
I had several cut-out photos of Timmy when he was little, and this one in particular which literally shows his Head Shoulders Knees And Toes jumped up and bit me on the nose!!!
I had some scrap pieces which I had tried without success to share with the Kickin' Arts kids, which, to me, look like little windows, and I thought I'd add them to the mix.
Then, instead of turning to my paper and glue sticks, I scanned them and digitally fiddled with them awhile. The one above was what I ended up with until I had another idea tugging my sleeve...
For this I used a creative effect on Pixlr. I liked it, and usually don't fiddle with that bunch of effects, but this time it sort of rang the bell for me.
And this last one [above] was just all about playing with overlays and colour corrections. I liked the way the light seemed to BE shining down on him and the pink on his knee and BEneath his toes.
I guess I just had fun.
Fun spending a little extra computer time.
Fun playing and seeing what happened if.