Wednesday, June 27, 2012

ICAD 2 ~ #23-27

I canNOT adequately express the fun and encouragement that ICAD2 is bringing to ME. These 5 are yet again on my 4.5 by 6.5 "cards" which I guess are meant for scrapbooking but surely fill my purposes.

I am taking a list of 50-some, mayBE just, NOT sure, lines I wrote when I was putting together my Manifesto a few months back for A Year With Myself Now I find they are giving form and direction to ICAD2 for me.


Anyhow, these all got digitally fiddled with as well in Picasa, the first 4 with Infrared effects, and the last with Thermal, so I am finding that I am learning on a variety of levels about a good many things simply by participating.


Natasha said...

Love your use of type! And the colours are stunning. I am loving the ocean theme. :)

Jackie said...

Love the lettering on these! Fabulous!

Terrie said...

I love it when there's an opportunity to participate on something fun, create, but learn along the way. You're right, it's perfect on many levels. Love your digital efforts.