Friday, August 8, 2014

2014 Summer Art Camp ~ continuing slowfully


I'm still enJOYing and playing at Summer Art Camp each and every day. It has been a splendiferous gift as I go through chemo. Big Gratitude & Love for it!!

I had a rough go last end of week and weekend, so I saved Lynn Whipple's 3 days for sometime other than Now. It's the most fun, I BElieve, to play along in the "real time" days.


Karine Swenson's monster painting was great fun and a good challenge for me. I am NOT a "painter" the way I think a painter is a "painter" if that makes any sense [or nonsense].

The first go was to just use black and white and gray and focus on value.

A big part of this exercise/adventure is the shadow of the monster, but I gave up on that part pretty much from the start.

I have been having head/brain aches and it's just too hard to BE in Light bright enough to create the shadow... so I improvised and worked around what was NOT okay for me Right Now. 

I found a little monster image on Google and worked from that. I was working pretty small, too, on 4-inch square canvas boards, a gift from my dear friend, Jen, in FL.

This soothed me. I find such soothing important, even essential Right Now.

One of the other things I loved about this particular camp experience was painting my monster 3 times, which gave me 3 opportunities to "see" and "show" my whatever it is critter!!

That in itself was BEyond whipped cream and a cherry!!

I also loved how Karine called this an exercise and NOT a painting. I think this is why making art is so helpful to me as I travel through Life with cancer. I get to BEgin fresh all the time and just see what happens.

One quite HUGE-to-me piece is the digital fiddling I DO with paintings to share, here or on Flickr. It's nice to own that and to realise it. 

I love what happens digitally fiddling my art in Picasa and Pixlr. MayBE that is another plus for cancer. I can bring my art along, wherever I go, and fiddle happily with no "supplies" to carry!!

I tried to learn Photoshop Essentials, but kept coming back to these 2 freebies. I play in them more intuitively, so I don't think of it as trying to learn to use software. 

Anyway, here's my second take, adding one colour to the black-white-gray value only.

I used raw umber which is reddish and goldish and warm gingery brownish. It was so helpful to see the value AND the colour dance.

I noticed the eye on my first monster wasn't "BEhaving" itself. Coming back to the second go round I "saw" how to change this. Might seem like a small thing but it is a treasure in my book!!!

When it came time to paint Monster #3 I was to add "colour" to the painting. Well, this was a wee thing my brain overlooked in choosing my monster from Google's pickings.

You see, my monster was GREEN. Like Elphaba in Wicked. All and only green. Of course, this was a good thing for the first go, focusing on value, but it got a little cornfuzzling at this point.

Which is largely why I decided to go with blue. I felt blue-ing was a good exercise for me with colour.

I appreciated Karine's suggesting that I NOT focus on details but get the paint on. I had done drawings first on all 3, and I noticed my perspective on the whole really shifted from the BEginning.

I learned so much from Karine. And from Carla's warm-up drawing. Such grand teachers and infinitely deLIGHTfull companions for this particular passage in my little Life.

Thank YOU!!!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

More wonderfulness from you. I like how the monster changed so much by just altering his eye. the colours in the second one are my favourite. How lovely to have these two teachers accompany you on this part of your journey.