BE Delicious
12" by 12" collage by Currie Silver
Continuing isn't always easy. Starting seems to have more fun, possibility, and promise. Continuing can seem tedious, dull, and uninspired. For those very reasons I made sure that participating in NaNoWriMo and AEDM would BE my choice each day.
And this is exactly what it HAS BEEN.
Writing some 1667 words each day [more or less, since 50,000 is the goal for NaNoWriMo over the month] isn't really a challenge, for me, because I decided at the outset that I'd use my Gratitude writings from 2007 until Now, 2011, and see what story or stories unfolded from there.
And yet, I find myself sometimes [oftentimes] befuddled by writings I did over 4 years ago. It is a bit like reading someone else's journal, only I know it's my own.
So BE Delicious, this painting created and selected for my 2012 calendars tells a bit of story to me. It speaks of changes, directions, inspirations. It lets me pause, reflect, and remember that Life is always lived FORWARD and that is precisely the best way...
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