Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Partings... NOT Always What I Think

Lately I have been taking the photographs from my 366 Daze of Grace blog and play-practising with them in PSE8. I've been taking one each day and just messing about. 

I am having a LOT of fun. Which is essential.

I am also learning to trust myself.

To trust the process.

And to enJOY 
A] I did something
B] To DO what I want to DO...

I was excited for this Texture Tuesday using Kim's texture, Partings.

And I even think I know what I did!!!

Here is the original photograph:
Gracie Digging in Sedona June 2005

Here is my initial edit in Picasa for 366 Daze:

At this point, I opened it in PSE8:
Layer 1: Soft Light 80%
Layer 2: KK_Partings Screen 38%
Layer 3: The world offers itself... quote Normal 85%
Layer 4: Mary Oliver Normal 53%

I'm thinking I am onto something, DOing one photograph a day in PSE8. I got comfortable in Picasa by DOing a bunch of photos until things sort of felt second nature. Actually that was also using Picnik when that was still Picnik, but the repetition factor works for me. So I'm applying it here. 

I am so grateful for Kim and for all of you. [I tried to visit you all last week, but I know I missed a lot] You are GENEROUS BEyond measure and I love playing in this playground... REALLY. ;~D


Anonymous said...

I need to commit to doing/experimenting one photo a day also...I did this with my art journal...committing to one two page spread a week and it is really working for me and I am learning continually...thanks for inspiring me to stretch my PSE creativity!!

Linda said...

terrific texture work!!

Anonymous said...

Nice work.

Leovi said...

Pretty processed. Greetings.

Carole said...

A great picture. Puppy looks very happy. lol

Thanks for stopping by my blog last week. :-)