Friday, August 17, 2012

Make Me Laugh - Artist's Play Room #22

I've had a time of it this past week. I knew straight off that it was kismet, that Photo Art Friday and Artist's Play Room would both BE best served with the very same photo.

Of course, I also realised that I could make it "oh, so much better" by applying all that I am learning in Kim Klassen's Skinny-Mini e-Course.

Well... I think that I raised that bar a little too high since I spent most of the week Right Here, learning at a snail's pace yet LEARNING and fully appreciating the JOY of BEing taught something that truly matters to me.

I don't have too much of a story BEhind this photo. It's one of my favourites ever of Gracie when she was a wee pup. I took it just a few weeks after she came home with me, so she was mayBE 6 weeks old and tiny as a sack of apples. She has always loved getting into tight but just right spaces for HER, and this was one of her first.

As I write this I look to my left at a far bigger Gracie who is exceedingly patient with me wanting to write and post this BEfore getting this day underway. We sometimes DO have a time of it here in the Wee Cottage, working round each other in our 300 square feet, but it's never been quite so nice for me to share space with another...

Gracie In A Wee Basket May 2005

just add water silly's blog hop link


Neesie said...

Gracie certainly brought a smile to my face Currie.
She's such a cute ^..^
Have a wonderful weekend ~ whatever you get up to ~ enjoy!
Neesie (APR) #9

Gloria j Zucaro said...

This week of trying to create laughter was a really hard challenge, because as in your post, the things that make me smile or laugh are animals, and young children, like my 4 year old grandson. Gracie is a smile maker!

Jennifer McLean said...

cute puppy picture, I can see you love her.

TwinkleToes2day said...

So very sweet! :0)